Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring 2013 Continues

I was considering not blogging so much anymore.  It has gotten boring for me and I imagine it has gotten boring for others who read this.  However, things happen almost everyday that I want to report if only as a reminder to myself.  Yesterday I saw the Indigo Bunting.  They are a bird that comes around May 10 every year.  It only stays a few days and then continues it's migration.  My cousin who lives less than 15 miles away has them stay a little longer than most people.  They must feed them what they like.  I just appreciate seeing them for a few days every year.

Even though it is supposed to freeze tonight (May 12, 2013), the spring plants continue to emerge.  I guess they know that eventually we will have warmer temperatures.  The hummingbirds are very scarce this year, but all the other birds are very active.

May Flowers

Jack in the Pulpit
Serviceberry Tree blossoming

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