Thursday, January 7, 2016

Make Your Own Cough Syrup

In following with my last blog about making raw lemonade, I saw another recipe using a fresh lemon.

 I didn't create this recipe, I found it on this link. 

If you don't want to read the whole link, I will paraphrase it.  It says if you get winter colds and don't like the Big Pharma cures, a good holistic medicine is pineapple.  You can use it for a cough syrup or a tablespoon a day for a healthy boost.  It says that pineapple has a special enzyme that controls mucus and inflammation in your throat and sinuses.  The enzyme is bromelain and has anti-inflammatory properties.  You must use fresh pineapple including the core to get the most bromelain.  Canned pineapple or pineapple juice don't contain the beneficial bromelain.

Other ingredients in the recipe are ginger which is also an anti-inflammatory, lemon which is filled with vitamin C and raw organic honey.  An optional ingredient is a little cayenne pepper for its pain relieving properties.  I left the pepper out mostly because I didn't have any.   More details on each ingredient are included in the original article. 
A batch of this syrup keeps in the refrigerator for a week to 10 days. You can take it as often as needed – even if you haven’t felt a cough coming, you can use the combination of pineapple, lemon, ginger, cayenne and honey to help prevent bacterial and viral attacks on your immune system.

This recipe yields about 1 cup.

Cut two thick slices of fresh pineapple.  Remove the peel from the outside of the pineapple but leave the core intact.
1 Tbsp raw honey
½ tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
A thumb sized piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced or rough chopped
1 lemon – juiced  I used the whole lemon with the peel taken off.

Rough chop the pineapple, including the core which is especially healthy.
Add all ingredients to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
The mixture is now ready to use, but if you want a smoother syrup, push through a mesh strainer.

Keep in the refrigerator and take as needed.

We are testing this on my husband who has had a cough for two weeks.   Hopefully this will be a good alternative to other syrups which have side effects.  Even if it isn't that effective for the cough, it can't hurt unless you are allergic to one or more of the ingredients. says that they couldn't find proof that pineapple juice is more effective than cough syrup, but they haven't tested this special concoction with all the other super foods added. 

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